OMNIKAL has been an exceptional tool in gaining recognition for my company. Being an award winner has opened many new business opportunities for my organization and has had a positive impact on my bottom line
Alecia M. McClung
Chief Executive Officer – Administrative Resource Options

OMNIKAL has been a valued resource for growing my business. From our infancy as an at home startup to our current status as a tier-one strategic-partner supplier for several Fortune 500 enterprises nationally and globally, they have continued to offer a host of services and information directly related to the challenges and successes encountered in a diverse and ever changing marketplace. With their support via education, networking and leadership, they have established the “Gold Standard” for diversity focused organizations.
Paula Turner-Edwards
President & CEO – Lexair Electronics Sales Corporation

OMNIKAL understands our business, connected us with potential clients, helped with marketing options, and presented real ideas for our business that yield very profitable results! I would recommend their service without reservation.”
Bruce Braithwaite
CEO, Genesis Networks, Inc